The Power Of Getting Expert Advice

When you’ve got an issue with your business that you feel requires legal attention, seeing the bigger picture can be a challenge.

Particularly if you’re running a smaller enterprise and must perform a range of different roles simultaneously, finding the time to take a step back in order to gain some perspective can seem almost impossible.

This is where the perspective of an experienced legal professional can be vital.

The right lawyer won’t just hear your current challenge and jump to conclusions, they will ask the right questions and get to know what your business goals are to pave the way for a smoother business journey.


Long-term answers to short-term problems

Frequently a business will come to us with an immediate issue, for example, not being able to obtain affordable finance; staffing problems; or issues with suppliers, only for it to become clear that these problems are symptoms of an underlying business concern, rather than the sole matters which require attention.

As well as being a naturally curious bunch of people, the team at Bayberry & Weir are trained to take a holistic approach and see the bigger picture. We ask our clients a wide range of questions about themselves, their business and their circumstances.

Although this may take longer initially, this information gathering enables us to offer options that tackle the root cause of the problem, rather than its symptoms, which in turn helps us work through matters meticulously and efficiently.


Opening up some options

We’ve found that the deeper we get to know our clients and their business goals initially, the better we are placed to suggest a variety of ways in which their challenges might be resolved, along with the pros and cons of each.

An example of where this approach worked really well concerns a sole-trader whose business was suffering because he was unable to find a suitable investor. Worried that he would have to shut the business down, he turned to us for some possible solutions.


Finding a client-centred answer

After finding out about his business and wider situation, we were able to recognise a number of different paths he could take to get his business back on track. We suggested considering choices such as franchising; selling the business; bringing in a partner as an investor; or licensing.

Initially unfamiliar with these options, our team broke them down and explained them in more detail. In the end, our client decided to opt for licensing.

This choice enabled him to generate the additional revenue required to keep the business going, and enable it to thrive. Not only was this the best financial option, it was also the best personal option for the trader, who had determinedly built his business from scratch.

For business owners the best legal solution is the best business solution.

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