The Importance Of An Initial Discovery Legal Consultation

Choosing a legal representative should not be done lightly.

You want to make sure you select the right lawyer for your case. Any lawyer worth her salt will make a genuine effort to fully understand your legal issues so that you can decide together if you are a good fit.

What’s the best way for a lawyer to get a full understanding of your legal situation? An in-depth initial discovery consultation is a vital starting point.

An in-depth initial discovery consultation is one where the lawyer is present, asks great questions, and really listens to the potential client.

She allows the client to tell their story, asking the right questions to ensure that she gets all angles and details on it, and thereby ensuring that she gets the full picture of the challenges this person is facing so that she can give quality, informed advice.

This can’t always be done over the phone or in a matter of minutes.

This initial consultation also allows both lawyer and potential client to decide if they are the right fit, an important step for both parties.

If they do choose to work together, they will have already created the foundations of an excellent working relationship from the outset, based on trust and transparency.

This is the foundation from which good lawyers are able to do their best work, and should be a fundamental pillar that the legal system in this country is based on.

A lawyer who’s willing to take the time to understand their potential client and their situation, and to build a great working relationship before proceeding, knows the importance of an in depth initial consultation.

I chose to leave bigger law firms because I wanted to adopt a more personal approach with clients. I knew I could do this best by establishing my own firm alongside a select group of people who place a high value on client relationships.

At Bayberry & Weir, our approach involves providing free initial consultations that allow us to get to know new clients as people, not just as the problem they’re facing.

Our consultations are warm, open and conducted in the manner of a conversation, not interrogation. We are people before we are lawyers after all.

To make this service accessible to those who really need our services, we are happy to hit the road and travel to the client for this free initial consultation. A decision we made as a business that has resulted in some of our most memorable conversations and client relationship.

We did not want to be those law firms that force you to come to them, only to charge you for every minute of your time before you’ve even decided if you want to work together.

So why does Bayberry & Weir provide free consultations if it means travel and possibly not getting paid for our time?

We offer this service because we firmly believe the legal system should be accessible and approachable to all.

Our free initial consultations help people to use the legal system to their best advantage and in the easiest and fastest way possible.

We’ve also noticed that being proactive starts the relationship off ‘on the right foot’, allowing for a better understanding of who the PERSON is behind the legal challenge.

How does it help us do our job better?

Taking the time to ask the right questions and piece together the person, AND the story, means a tighter brief with all of the information on the table from the start, allowing us to do our job more efficiently and with greater confidence.

In our experience this leads to a better, faster outcomes for our clients which in turn equals happier clients, an impressive referral record, and maintains the excellent reputation of Amanda and Bayberry & Weir.

If you are in need of sound legal advice, why not contact Bayberry & Weir today, for a free initial in-depth consultation? Let us discover your real legal needs.

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