A Lawyer’s Most Important Role – The Calm Amongst The Storm

For most people, the stress and uncertainty caused by interactions with the legal system can create a difficult environment for sound decision making. When we’re placed under pressure, we can react and be led by our emotions.

Before and during legal proceedings, the right decisions need to be made on a consistent basis in order to ensure the best possible outcome. That is why one of the most important roles of a lawyer that isn’t in the job description, is the ability to create stability for the client in these difficult times.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need legal help, you aren’t alone.

While it might seem like an extremely daunting and difficult task, it doesn’t need to be. I know first-hand how challenging the legal system can be, I work within it every day!

For those who are not familiar with the ins and outs of the law, it can be stressful to try and navigate a way towards the desired outcome. Or you might feel afraid that your case won’t be believed, or scared to share your story at all.

As a lawyer, I see one of my most important roles as not only providing expert counsel but also creating stability for my clients in these sometimes volatile situations.

Genuine empathy and providing a solid support structure for your client is not something that’s taught in law school; it is something learned through years of practical life experience. In my case, as a mum, business owner and over hundreds of negotiations and trips to the courtroom.

It only makes sense that we are uncomfortable when faced with uncertainty about our case. When we don’t know what is going to happen next, aren’t equipped with all the right information, or don’t have a clearer picture of how this situation is going to play out – our mind races with hundreds of possibilities, and we feel overwhelmed.

I get it.

I’ve seen it hundreds of times.

And there are some very clear steps you can take to help in this situation.

So, what can you do?

1. Talk to someone you can trust.

Find a lawyer who isn’t just a legal whizz, but is also a real person. When I first meet a client, I like to get to know them, find out them and their legal problem, and talk about the different options available. For me, it is important that the client feels stable and can make their own informed decisions on how to progress.

2. Don’t sweat the unknowns until you’ve spoken to your lawyer and found out the next steps

While it’s hard not to play through your day in court 100 times before it happens, it doesn’t pay off to start projecting the decisions that will be made without talking to a trusted lawyer first. It is my job to seek the best possible legal outcome for you, so I like to tell my clients to leave the if’s and maybe’s to me as well.

3. Let the system work for you.

We all know that the law is there to protect, and to provide fair outcomes. While it isn’t always perfect, and often we hear about some bad cases, overwhelmingly our legal system gets it right and the outcome is fair for both parties. I always make every effort to make sure the law is working FOR my clients in every possible way so that we can reach the best possible outcome.

At the end of the day, it might not be your choice to use the legal system, but sometimes it is a necessity. Just remember that even when things seem scary, or out of your control, you can have someone standing by your side and fighting for you.

Still have questions or unsure exactly what you need?

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